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Praxisworkshop am 09.04.2025 beim Automatisierungstreff Heilbronn



Möchtest du erleben, wie einfach und schnell sich Maschinen digitalisieren lassen? Dann laden wir Dich herzlich zu unserem Praxis-Workshop beim Automatisierungstreff in Heilbronn ein!

Hier erfährst Du aus erster Hand, wie Du mit unserer Lösung ohne Programmierung und in kürzester Zeit Transparenz über Deine Maschinen und Prozesse gewinnst. Egal ob Neumaschine oder bestehende Anlage - Du lernst, Sensoren über IO-Link, Modbus oder digitale Schnittstellen anzubinden, Daten in Echtzeit auszuwerten und direkt in Steuerungen zu integrieren. Zusätzlich gibt der Workshop wertvolle Einblicke in Predictive Maintenance, digitale Geschäftsmodelle und erfolgreiche Praxisbeispiele aus dem Maschinenbau.

Das Besondere: Du entwickelst Deine eigene Lösung, nimmst Hardware sowie App direkt mit und kannst sie sofort im Unternehmen einsetzen!

📅 Wann? 09.04.2025 von 09:00 – 17:00 Uhr

📍 Wo? WTZ-Tagungszentrum Heilbronn

Warum teilnehmen?
✔️ Praxisnahe Einführung in die digitale Zustandsüberwachung
✔️ Hands-on: Digitalisierung zum Anfassen
✔️ Direkte Umsetzung in Ihrem Unternehmen möglich

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt – sichere Dir jetzt 👉 hier deinen Platz! 

Unser Podcast mit SITEC und IoT Use Case ist nun online verfügbar


Wir haben uns mit unserem Partner SITEC zusammengesetzt und gemeinsam einen spannenden Podcast aufgenommen! 

🎧 Thema: "Von Daten zu Mehrwert: Wie SITEC & in.hub die Digitalisierung im Maschinenbau vorantreiben."

In diesem Podcast erfahrt ihr: 

✅ Wie Daten aus Maschinenprozessen effizient genutzt werden 

✅ Welche Mehrwerte durch smarte Digitalisierungslösungen entstehen 

✅ Best Practices und spannende Einblicke aus der Praxis

Holt euch wertvolle Tipps und erfahrt, wie digitale Technologien den Maschinenbau revolutionieren! 

🎙️ Jetzt reinhören: Hier geht's zum Podcast

Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! 😊

Chemnitz 2025: Kulturhauptstadt Europas – Unsere Stadt, unser Stolz!


Das Jahr 2025 wird ein ganz besonderes für unsere Heimatstadt Chemnitz – wir sind stolz darauf, Teil der Kulturhauptstadt Europas zu sein! 🌍✨

Unter dem Motto "C the Unseen" zeigt Chemnitz der Welt seine verborgenen Schätze, Kreativität und Innovationskraft. Als Unternehmen, das in dieser dynamischen Region verwurzelt ist, freuen wir uns auf ein Jahr voller spannender Veranstaltungen, inspirierender Begegnungen und internationaler Aufmerksamkeit.

Von Ausstellungen und Konzerten bis hin zu Festivals und Workshops: Die Stadt verwandelt sich in eine Bühne für Kunst, Kultur und Innovation.

👉 Hier geht's zu den Veranstaltungen: Chemnitz 2025 Programm

Gemeinsam machen wir Chemnitz 2025 unvergesslich. Seid dabei und entdeckt, was unsere Stadt alles zu bieten hat! 💙

Review of the successful siineos Partner Days 2024: Shaping the future together


On 25 and 26 September, we welcomed numerous machine builders, OEMs, software and service providers to the siineos Partner Days. Two days full of innovation, inspiration and exchange about the future of digitalisation in the machine world! 💡

The focus was on our vision for 2025, exciting product ideas, new functions and apps, as well as inspiring presentations by our partners and the many ways in which we can develop new digital business models together. Collaboration with our partners is the key to making machines and products future-proof - and the response was overwhelming!

Experience the highlights of the event and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of our aftermovie:

👉 Watch the video here!

We are already looking forward to the sequel - together we are taking the next step into the digital future! 🙌

September 2024 | siineos Partner Days


📅 Mark 25 and 26 September 2024 in your calendar!

This event offers an excellent opportunity to find out about current developments and future projects, as well as to exchange ideas with other partners and our team!

What you can expect:

🔧 Latest product presentations: Experience our innovations for 2025 now - exclusively before anyone else!

📈 Roadmap 2025: Dive into our future plans and gain valuable insights.

🛒 siineos Marketplace: Be the first to get an insight into our upcoming Marketplace with many exciting opportunities.

📱 New apps: Look forward to the latest applications that will drive your business forward.

💻 New versions of siineos: Experience exciting updates and enhancements to our IIoT operating system siineos.

👨‍💻 Software Development Kit: Learn about the latest developments around our SDK.

      Let's take the future of IIoT to the next level together! We look forward to seeing you! 🙌

      If you are interested, please get in touch today via our contact form 👉 here

      TGFS invests seven-figure sum in in.hub GmbH


      TGFS Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen has invested a seven-figure sum in in.hub GmbH in a Series A financing round. We plan to use the additional financial resources to expand sales and to further optimise our hardware and software solution. A platform for additional applications is also to be developed so that customers can easily obtain further valuable information and insights into their machines. In the future, the platform will also be made available to external developers via a commission model.

      You can find the full article 👉 here

      in.hub is a practice partner of the State Academy of Studies Glauchau

      Students of the ‘Digital Engineering’ degree programme at the State Academy of Studies in Glauchau can apply for a practice partner position with remuneration for the winter semester 2024/2025.

      What our students can expect from us:

      Active participation in the development of hardware products - from testing to commissioning

      Learning skills in common programming languages and working on the @siineos operating system

      Practical experience with the installation of our products in companies

      Exciting insights into the marketing and sale of our solutions

      Input in the development of new business models for our customers

      Further information 👉🏻 HERE

      Help! It's Christmas time.


      We are guests at the Techtextile trade fair in Frankfurt!

      DATES | FAIR

      From April 23 to 26, 2024, we will be a guest of our long-standing partner, update texware GmbH, at the Techtextile trade fair in Frankfurt!

      Be sure to visit the stand (Hall 12.0, Stand E58) - there we will show you how effortlessly we can integrate textile machines of all ages into the software world of update texware GmbH.

      ✅ MES/BDE

      ✅ Business Intelligence

      ✅ Production control center

      ✅ ERP

      ✅ Goods inspection

      Come and see for yourself how we are revolutionizing the textile industry with our smart solutions and what exciting innovations the future holds for technical textiles. You will be amazed! We are really looking forward to meeting you in person and discussing the digital topics of tomorrow together.

      Click here for the tickets: 👉

      Our podcast with Hans Turck and IoT Use Case is now available online


      In this podcast we explain the first joint use-case for control cabinet monitoring with Hans Turck. Together with Madeleine Mickeleit and Klaus Ebinger we discuss challenges and opportunities for the automation industry and show how our siineos operating system and IIoT platform will add great value to Hans Turck hardware in the future.

      Listen to the podcast here.

      Trade fair kick-off for 2023 at all about automation in Hamburg

      Let's go into the new Meesjahr 2023!

      From 25.01.2023 - 26.01.2023 you can see us live and in color at booth OG-213 at the all about automation in Hamburg live and in color.

      • Powerful and robust hardware for the implementation of IIoT projects
      • Software siineos for the digitalization of machines, plants and processes
      • App MaDoW for monitoring downtimes and productive times of machines and plants

      Lecture by Christian Groß

      Wednesday, 25.01.2023 | 14:20 h | Talk Lounge

      Status quo IIoT - Is the subsequent digitization of a machine possible on one's own in 2023?

      Make a note of it already now:

      27.09.2023 – 28.09.2023 | aaa in Chemnitz

      Tutorial series on Youtube (German)


      We are happy that we have now put the first 6 episodes of our tutorial series on siineos online! 🚀👨‍💻🌐

      In our previous videos, we have covered a variety of topics - from setting up the time zone 🕖 and the network to the firewall module and various functions such as measurement value processing. We also showed how to visualize measured values 📊 and gave many other useful tips and tricks that will help our users to exploit the full potential of siineos.

      And that's just the beginning - in the coming weeks and months, we'll be covering many more interesting topics that will help you realize the full potential of siineos. Whether siineos is used in production, warehousing or other areas - we have tips and tricks that will save you ⏳ time and 💸 costs.

      ➜ 🎬 👍🏻✅

      We invite everyone interested to watch the first 6 episodes of our tutorial series (in German only) and feel free to send us your feedback. We would really appreciate your comments and likes to know what you liked the most and where we can improve. 💡

      Link to the Youtube Playlist:

      September 2023 | in.hub at the aaa Chemnitz


      Of course, we cannot be missing in Chemnitz!

      We will be exhibiting at booth 1-453 on September 27 and 28.

      We will show you our retrofittable hardware and software for your smart factory. The software siineos for the digitalization of machines, plants and processes as well as the powerful app MaDoW for the monitoring of downtimes and productive times of machines and plants.

      But that's not all!

      On Sept. 28, there will be a presentation by CEO Christian Groß on the topic of "Status quo IIoT - is the subsequent digitization of a machine possible on one's own in 2023?"

      Free tickets are available here

      Technical Committee of the Gesamtmasche - Online Event


      On April 17, 2024, the Technical Committee of Gesamtmasche will meet for its spring meeting. Then everything will revolve around the question:

      "What supports small and medium-sized textile and clothing companies in achieving their sustainability goals?"

      In its spring edition 2024, the Gesamtmasche Technical Committee will present solutions that are particularly suitable for the textile and clothing industry, which is characterized by small and medium-sized enterprises.

      Register free of charge using the link in the event and take part online! 👇🏻

      7th Saxon Automation Day | Lecture on increasing productivity in medium-sized companies

      Christian speaks on the topic at the 7th Saxon Automation Day of the Innovation Network Mechanical Engineering Saxony VEMASinnovativ:

      📢Presenting ways to quickly and easily increase the productivity of existing machinery and equipment.

      >> Keyword: RETROFIT

      The associated benefits:

      📌to exploit the maximum service life of existing machines and plants >> Keyword: Sustainability.

      📌to minimize lengthy investment decisions >> keyword: resource conservation

      📌to generate added value for customers through new business models >> keyword: competitive advantage


      Day | Tuesday, 06.09.2022

      Time | from 09:30

      Place | Kraftverkehr Chemnitz

      Reason to celebrate! 5 years in.hub!

      4️⃣3️⃣8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ hours = 1️⃣8️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ days = 5️⃣ years in.hub!

      Woooohaa! 🥳💥

      To make a long story short: We are megahappy to have made it this far! 🙌

      Was also sometimes no walk in the park, but above all it was

      👉 Joy to work in a team on new ideas and products.

      👉 Joy to see that it works

      👉 Joy to create and grow new solutions together with customers

      👉 Joy to experience that many things can be done, even if previously it was said "it can't be done".

      What should happen in the next 5 years?

      👉 To continue doing what we do with joy!

      Namely, to digitize everything there is to digitize in medium-sized companies! 😎

      March 2023 | in.hub as expert for condition monitoring at the aaa in Friedrichshafen


      From 07.03. - 08.03.2023 we will be live and in color again for all questions around the digitization of machines and plants at the start!

      Marco & Christian will be happy to show you our retrofittable hardware and software for your smart factory:

      • - Software siineos for the digitalization of machines and processes for self configure, manage and network yourself - without any programming at all
      • - App MaDoW for monitoring downtimes and productive times of machines and plants


      27.09.2023 – 28.09.2023 | all about automation in Chemnitz

      Forget the old numbers, because here comes our new number!

      We are not only digitizing machines and processes but also our own telephone system 📞💁‍♂️ we have just upgraded to cloud telephony.

      📞💡 Let's continue to define technological progress together and take your digitization experience to a new level, don't hesitate to contact us!

      Our new general phone number is now 

      +49 371 33 565 500

      As always, we look forward to engaging in conversation with you. 💪😄🚀

      Your team in.hub

      In-depth insights into sustainability: an indispensable workshop


      On March 26, VEMASinnovativ invites you to a workshop in Stollberg.

      A packed program awaits you, starting with a welcome by Lars Georgi from VEMASinnovativ and host Holger Füssel from DÜRR SOMAG GmbH, followed by a company tour offering insights into innovative practices. Afterwards, the experts around Marian Süße and Maximilian S. from Fraunhofer IWU, Max Jankowsky from GL Gießerei Lößnitz GmbH and our Christian will give a talk.

      Together we will discuss challenges and, above all, opportunities on the way to a climate-neutral factory and show how IIoT technologies and sustainability reporting can contribute to optimization.

      Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights. Let's set the course for a more sustainable industry together.

      For more information and registration, visit VEMASinnovativ 👇🏻

      September 2024 | in.hub auf der aaa in Chemnitz

      FAIR | DATES

      Natürlich dürfen wir auf der all about automation in Chemnitz auch in diesem Jahr nicht fehlen!

      Als Aussteller werden wir am 18. und 19. September am Stand 1-453 natürlich dabei sein!

      Wir zeigen euch unsere nachrüstbare Hard- und Software für eure smarte Fabrik. Die Software siineos zur Digitalisierung von Maschinen, Anlagen und Prozessen sowie die leistungsstarke App MaDoW für die Überwachung der Stillstands- und Produktivzeiten von Maschinen und Analgen.

      Kostenlose Tickets gibt es 👉 hier

      Your contact to in.hub

      +49 371 / 33 56 55 00 Telefon phone E-Mail mail